What are some good exercises to improve your singing and voice control?

Contrary to what many believe, a nice singing voice needs more than just a knack for it; it needs hard work and useful practice and vocal exercises. It is an important factor for any singer from the amateur to a pro to practice voice control, pitch accuracy, and strength. The right training will help enhance vocal tone, range, and prevent strain or injury.

Maa Records runs the gambit from novice to experienced singer, helping develop their skills and hone their sound. A team of expert vocal coaches and sound engineers instructs artists about technique, vocal training, and recording properly, maximizing their performance.

In this blog, we will discuss some of the most useful exercises to improve your singing voice and vocal control in and outside the studio. Whatever the case—training for a studio recording or preparing for a live performance—these exercises will ensure you sing confidently and accurately.

1. Master Breath Control

Breath is the essence of singing. With breath control, there is voice control. Support from proper breathing lets you sustain longer notes, gives stability to the voice, and it empowers singing.

Diaphragmatic Breathing (Belly Breathing)

Breathing should be reflexive deep down, not up there in the chest.

How to practice:

Stand up, and put your hand on your belly.

Breathe in through your nose and push your belly out.

Breathe out slowly through your mouth, keeping your shoulders relaxed.

Do this for a couple of minutes before you sing.

Sustained Hissing Exercise

This regulates airflow in such a way as to develop control over the voice.

How to practice:

Breathe in deeply; exhale while making a controlled “sss” sound.

Last as long as you can.

Gradually increase the duration in this manner to build stamina.

2. Lip Trills and Tongue Trills for Vocal Agility

These exercises warm up the voice, enhance flexibility in the vocal cords, and diminish tension.

Lip Trills

Taking your Lips, close the lips barely together and blow air through them with humming.

Then glide in pitch with the voice either upwards or downwards like a siren.

It basically creates flexibility for the vocal cords and gives strength in controlling the breath.

Tongue Trills

Roll the tongue while singing different notes.

Enhances for a better diction, both articulation and tongue strength.

These exercises are frequently used in our vocal training sessions here at Maa Records to ensure artists present a very clear and easy go for recording.

3. Humming for Vocal Resonance

Humming is a great way to warm the voice and develop resonance.

How to practice:

Keep your lips shut and hum a nice comfortable note.

Feel the vibration in your nose and forehead.

Gradually glide through pitches.


✔ Places the voice.

✔ Relaxed and easy on the throat

✔ Great for control of tone.

  1. Vocal Sirens to Expand Your Range

When it comes to smoothly transitioning high and low notes, sirens are a must.

How to practice:

Start low, then slide up, up, to your highest note.

Then slide straight back down, just as a siren sound would.

Repeat over and over until the voice cracks are gone and your vocal cords are stretched.

We consider this exercise vital at Maa Records before studio sessions so that singers can transition within their full range smoothly.

5. Straw Phonation SmoothsOut Vocal Transitions

Straw singing helps singers with tone, breath control, and transitions.

How to practice:

With the straw placed between your lips, hum into it.

Try singing different pitches, keeping airflow steady.

This decreases the pressure on the voice and strengthens breath support.

This technique is often used by professionals as well as in our training at Maa Records.

  1. Scale Singing for Adding Pitch Precision

Scale practice fine-tunes one’s ear training and pitch accuracy.

How to practice:

On a keyboard or vocal trainer app, sing Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti-Do.

Concentrate on being precise with each note, avoiding wavering.

Practicing scales regularly will help to improve the precision of the voice in recording or during live performances.

7. Resonance exercises for a better sound

Resonance is the master key to a full, ringing, and powerful voice.

To practice:

Sing “ng” (as in singing) and feel the vibrations inside your nose and forehead.

Vary the pitch to be able to control placement and projection.

At Maa Records, we ask artists to work on resonance techniques so they can achieve depth and clarity in their voice.

  1. Singing Staccato and Legato for Control

✔ Staccato (Short, Detached Notes)

Sing short little bursts of notes like “ah-ah-ah” to gain agility in your voice.

✔ Legato (Smooth, Connected Notes)


Sing long continuous notes to improve breath control and phrasing.

These techniques open your expression and emotionalism, which is a vital aspect of professional song.

9. Dry Singing (Meditation for Vocal Decay)

For singing practice (mental practice), this is a way for you to train without exerting pressure through your vocal cords.

Steps to undertake:

You should picture yourself singing a particular song in an ideal manner.

You should point out as you think, your breathing, phrasing, and your vocal control.

Professional singers always utilize the procedure of song memorization and enhancement of their vocal technique before landing in the studio for a recording.

10. Good Vocal Care and Hydration

Optimum care of the voice is as necessary as singing exercises are.

Some Appreciable Vocal Care:

– Keep yourself hydrating; use plain warm water or aqueous teas to help keep the vocal cords covered with a thin layer of .fluid.

– Dampen the vocal cords to avoid smoking and alcohol.

– Give your voice a rest so as to avoid vocal strain and fatigue.

– Use a humidifier to ensure the moisture of the vocal cords, particularly when cold.

At Maa Records, vocal health is a significant priority concerning all our vocalists. Vocal health is one of its foremost concerns. It is always prescribed to all vocalists to care in the following manner and do it before any session of recording to ensure that the performance on the day is as good as one hopes.

To sum it up: Taking Your Singing to the Next Level

Singing and becoming better with voice control is one journey that keeps on going throughout one’s lifetime. By including these training exercises, warm-ups, and techniques-refinement in the daily routine, a person may be able to gain:

It is, therefore, really professional vocal control

Pitch accuracy

Vocal range widening

Perfect vocals attitude

Maa records, as experts, believe in nurturing musical talent and providing real exemplary training opportunities for the artistics to excel. In the updated studio and with the expert vocal instructors and professional recording services, sing in your expertise right away!

🔹Are you ready for the best-performing voice lessons? Find out and receive professional guidance and high-quality recording services, all at Maa Records!

🎶Let your imagination soar into the world of music!



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